Outils personnels

ADG 2010 - Munich

ADG 2010 - Munich

Payment Info

De ADG 2010 - Munich

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The fees are:

- seniors: 150 EUR (including 60 EUR for social event)

- students 120 EUR (including 60 EUR for social event)

The fees include:

- 3 lunches

- social event: guided tour munich + banquet on July 23.

Bank transfer

The participants should do a bank transfer to:

Zahlungsempfaenger (recipient of payment): Staatsoberkasse Augsburg fuer TUM

Kontonummer (account number): 24866

BLZ (bank code): 700 500 00

Kreditinstitut (bank): Bayerische Landesbank

Verwendungszweck (purpose): PK 0007.0144.6176 + name of the participant

                                      Please declare definitely all 12 numbers and your name !

IBAN: DE 107 005 000 000 000 24866

Swift/Bic-Code: BYLADEMM

                           The 'purpose' field is very important: without these information the fee can't be dedicated.

Pay cash

Another possibility is to pay the fee in Garching at the beginning of the conference in cash (no credit cards).